Our first task of this challenge was to visualize how we got to the society envisioned in the year 2465. This included creative "lore-building," where we built off of current environmental issues, and visualized the potential consequences the future would hold. Our future led us to an ocean-based colony with three "sectors" that use excess trash and wind as energy sources.
We imagined how bleak living in such conditions would be, so we formulated a way for residents of these colonies to have fun. We came up with a problem statement in the form of the question: How can we make life more enjoyable for people living in an isolated, floating society on the ocean?
Our final design of the wind sled is a curved aerodynamic sled complete with a seat, a seatbelt, and adjustable foot pedals. The user is able to sit in the sled and use it to glide through the wind slides in the society's wind parks. We believed that the product, as a recreational sled made for the enjoyment of its user, was the best at targeting our problem statement through its use as a product involved in doing a fun activity found within this future society.